Thursday, November 20, 2008

Don't Make Health About Money

During these lean times in our economy, I am finding more and more people are saying they “don’t have time or money to get fit or eat healthy.” I’m going to be blunt and say, this is a lame excuse for being lazy. Being healthy doesn’t have to cost a lot of money; it is about making the right choices. If you replace all the processed junk from your grocery cart with fresh produce, you won’t have to up your grocery budget by much. If you have an hour to watch your favorite TV show, you have at least a half-hour to go for a walk or run.
For most people, getting fit means having to buy a gym membership, pay for an expensive trainer, buy top-of-the-line fitness equipment and throw hundreds of dollars at supplements and other “energy boosters.” I’m here to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, for some of that, you are simply wasting your money and not doing your body any favors. In my opinion, most supplements are crap. Eat real food! Your body will thank you.
Here are some ideas that don’t require a huge financial investment:

• Walking/Running: This is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise you can do – and it doesn’t cost a thing. Keep your heart-rate up and you’ll start to feel the benefits in no-time.
• Jump Rope: With an initial investment of about $10, you can burn calories like crazy. Jump-roping will increase your heart rate, give your legs a great workout and improve your coordination.
• Body-weight exercises: In my home-workout, I’ve included several exercises that you can do just using your own body weight. Exercises, such as squats, lunges, bench dips, etc. can really give your body a great resistance training session with a price tag of $0.
• Exercise DVDs: Most exercise DVDs range between $6 - $15. This is great for someone who would like a trainer to take charge and design a workout for them, or for someone who needs to freshen up their workout routine. All the choices can even be a bit overwhelming. I found a site called: that will give you previews on hundreds of different workout videos. You can even sort by the type of workout you are looking for. This is a great tool.
• Be conscious: As you go through your day, make a special effort to MOVE more. If you work at an office, take a break every hour to walk around a little and stretch your legs, do leg raises or calf raises under the desk, fidget, just keep moving. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away – you’ve heard all this before, but it really does help. If nothing else, it will get you in the mindset that your health matters and you are making an effort.

Being fit and healthy doesn’t have to cut into your hard-earned money. It is about making good choices and putting your health at the top of the priority list. In the long run, you’ll save hundreds and even thousands of dollars on healthcare and doctor’s visits if you will just take care of yourself. Not to mention, you’ll be able to enjoy a better quality of life and enjoy your family and friends for longer.