Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't Do It Alone

Losing weight or trying to become healthier can seem like a daunting task when it seems like every social event and every celebration is centered around the food. Holidays are just one big gorge-fest that last weeks sometimes and it can be really difficult to continually turn down your favorite treats time and again. So how do you keep those healthy aspirations intact?
FIND SUPPORT! You've probably heard this a million times, but it can be the most effective tool you have when you are trying to change your habits into healthier ones.

For most of my life, I was embarrassed to have anyone talking about my healthy eating habits. I didn't like people saying, "Oh, Emily won't eat that, she's a healthy eater," or "she's on a diet." It wasn't that I wouldn't eat it, I was choosing not to at that time. I've since gotten over my insecurities of having people notice my eating habits and have decided to look at it as a type of support system. My friends and family know that I like to eat healthy, non-processed food and because I've decided to be open about this, most of the time healthy food is available when it wouldn't have been otherwise. My friends think twice about adding extra butter or making ten varieties of dessert -- so really, I'm doing them a favor, right? ;) My point is, being upfront with your desire to eat a well-rounded diet with those closest to you will not only allow you to continue making better choices, but it can also help to influence those you love to make the better decisions as well.

For those who aren't surrounded with that type of support, there are other options. The internet is a fabulous tool for support. There are literally thousands of people on message boards across the world that are struggling with the same issues you are, or they have the same goals and you can tap into those support lines. I've read hundreds and hundreds of posts and some people's ideas for dealing with issues are GENIUS! You can join groups and track your progress, share ideas, bolster each other up during rough times and be a part of the journey of health. This can be done completely anonymously if you prefer, but in any case, you'll be able to have people there to cheer you on in even the smallest of accomplishment. The camaraderie that I've seen on some message boards has been astounding. 

There is support out there, you just have look for it. Don't be afraid to share something of yourself and put your struggles out there. We all have them, and I guarantee it'll be much easier to bust through those if you have a few cheerleaders in your corner.

Where do you go for support? Have you found it easier to let people know about your health goals?